Sunday, January 10, 2010

January Birthdays!

Bryan comes from a family of SEVEN children, and five of them share January birthdays. Our family usually gets together to celebrate these birthdays in one big celebration. This year Bryan and I were asked to make a birthday cake for the birthday siblings. We brainstormed a few ideas before we decided on making each sibling their very own personally themed birthday cake. Heres what we came up with:
*note: each of these cakes were made rather quickly! Pardon all the mistakes and the unprofessional nature of the background items : ) lol

David is turning 21 this month and works guessed it Quick Trip! (The greatest gas station IN the world I might add. F'real chocolate shakes are aaaawesome!) David is more than your average QT employee. He is obsessed with the company. He's constantly spouting off little known Quick Trip Facts (about founders and statistics and such) and asking us to play 'quickopoly' which you guessed it again, is QT's version of Monopoly. The boy drives a little red car with a license plate that brags: QTGUY. Happy Birthday David!

When Amber came to my bridal shower she got to meet my sister for the first time. Introducing herself she said, 'Hi I'm Amber, I'm Bryan's sister'. My sister said nice to meet you and all that jazz to which Amber replied, 'No, you don't get it. I'm the ONLY sister, and that makes me special.' That story pretty much sums up Amber, but the truth is she is pretty special. Super friendly, beautiful and talented at almost everything, the woman is incredible! Not to mention she was the only girl with 6, yes SIX, brothers. Happy Birthday Amber! (and her daughter Reagan!)
Kenny loves the white stripes and the cardinals. We tried to tie both of these ideas into this cake and I thought it turned out pretty well. Bryan did a super awesome job with the cardinals hat...awesome detailing huh? Bry also tried piping for the very first time (thats usually my job) with that white line along the edge of the brim. anyway, we love you Kenny (whose the second oldest)-Happy Birthday!

Bryceon is 3rd and loves the Simpsons. He also loves the cardinals but one cardinals hat per cake, ya know? Bryceon hosted this years birthday party at his brand new house and fed us all super yummy chili...I'd say Bryceon's off to a great start for this year. Happy Birthday Bryceon! p.s. awesome donut huh?? Thats all fondant baby.
Daryl is oldest and spends a lot of his time either playing or talking about playing chess : ) this passion somehow transferred from oldest brother to 4th brother cause my hubby loves to play as well. (It took me a while but I even beat him once!) This cake is in honor of the brilliant and competitive Daryl-Happy Birthday Broth-a!
check out that leaning tower of bishop pawn. Thats what happens when you don't let fonant dry all the way before you stand it up!


Desiree Hunter said...

Awesome cakes guys!! Didnt even know you were doing all of these. You need to get the pictures of the cake you guys made for me! Where did you end up making all of these???

Beckums said...

You are a Machine!